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  • Writer's pictureAnon Amous


Updated: Mar 29, 2018

A random fact about me: I love miniature things. There's just something about them that makes me feel really girly because I can't help but say in my girly cutesie voice, "Look how cuuuuttte!" or if I've been watching a lot of anime, "Kawaiiiiii!"

Read more about the picture here:

Finding Bonsai

“I think the first time I ever heard about Bonsai was in the movie The Karate Kid.”

I don't even remember what happens in the scene, all I remember is all the miniature trees in the room. I didn't think much of it at the time, I was still just a kid after all. No, I didn't truly find Bonsai until just recently. Like literally two weeks ago.

My First Bonsai

I was going back home from a trip up to San Francisco with my cousin and his fiancee when we stopped for lunch in the middle of nowhere. When we were about to turn back onto the freeway, I read a sign that was made with a can of red spray-paint and a piece of plywood.

It read,



My cousin had been wanting to get a Bonsai tree so we stopped by. For being a travel merchant, they had a few pretty good things. We were kind of in a rush to get back home so we couldn't spend too much time there.

My cousin ended up getting a cute little bonsai and it was so adorable that I wanted one too! I'm the worst decision-maker ever because I spend too much time analyzing everything, so it took me a while but I finally made a choice and bought my first tree!

(Why yes, I am a professional photographer who knows how to center an object for a picture.)

Once I got home, I did a little research to learn how to take care of it. I found out (through Google) that my little tree is a Juniper which happens to be a good hardy tree for beginners. That's when I was hooked. I loved learning and seeing all the cute and artsy trees online! Especially the miniature scenes they make with the trees! It's so cute!

So, that's the story of my little Juniper bonsai.

I plan on getting at least two more!

Once I find where to get them!

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